Would you like to work with us?

Our lab belongs to the Center of Genome Sciences and we are a host of the PhD and Master program in Biochemistry and Biomedical Sciences of the National Autonomous University of Mexico. Our program belongs to the PNPC (Programa Nacional de Posgrados de Calidad) from CONACYT, therefore you could be granted a scholarship for your master or doctoral studies.

We want to produce a cell-free expression system and we are looking for someone like you.

We want to answer the following questions:

Can we predict which proteins will fold while still being translated?

Is the ribosome a huge chaperone that determines the structure of the entire proteome?

Can we design proteins with the desired shapes and functions?

Can we create chimeric ribosomes to make specialized proteins?

Can we design a biosensor for common viruses or molecules involved in human disease?

If you are interested in these topics, please let us know.

Use the form and send us a message telling us why you would like to work with us and tell us a bit about your academic history. Or send us an email: jafarias@ccg.unam.mx

What I cannot create, I do not understand
— Richard Feynman